White-Richardson Fund

 The White-Richardson Fund makes recommendations regarding the disbursal of income from a trust dedicated to supporting enhanced educational opportunities for children of color in Philadelphia.


  • The White Richardson Fund of Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting focuses on the education of children of color in Philadelphia.
  • Grants are given to programs and educational institutions, (both Friends and other)  below the college level.
  • The total of the grants is about $80,000 per year. Grants range from $1000 to $8000. 
  • Information about grants will be sent in May or early June.
  • Funds are also set aside for members and active attenders involved in schools or programs for children of color in Philadelphia.


  • Small projects and organizations where the relatively small scale of our contributions will best be felt.
  • Smaller Friends Schools with a commitment to maintaining a substantial population of students of color.
  • Organizations or programs with education-related projects reaching many individuals as opposed to funding an individual student.
  • Organizations or programs with an active CPMM member.
  • Organizations or programs reaching high poverty populations.
  • Smaller Friends Schools that do not have access to high end donors.
  • Organizations or programs with greatest potential to multiply their impact.

 How to Apply

Grant applications (no more than 2 pages) should be sent to:

Terry Nance, Clerk
White Richardson Fund
Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting
1515 Cherry Street
Philadelphia, PA. 19102

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